You're single. You're saved- but you're not satisfied. Lying in your queen-size bed, you wonder why God hasn't sent your
mate. Takeout dinner for one is starting to get old. You are doing your work in ministry as the Lord has directed - so what's
the hold up? Is God ever going to release you to marry?
Do you really want to know my sister? Ask yourself truthfully,
are you really prepared for that special man?
Perhaps you are already married, but the fire seems to be dwindling.
You pray together and then turn to sleep, each on your own side of the bed. What is going on? Is this how a Christian relationship
is supposed to be?
It's time for the truth to be told! It's time for you to set aside old church ideas, beliefs and
doctrines that don't fully teach you what it will take to have a strong relationship with your mate and with Christ. You will
soon read some things that the church mothers just didn't tell you.
Whether you are single or married, knowing these
truths will help you to better your relationships overall. No longer will you have to ask yourself, "If God is my lover...why
is my bed so cold?" The truth is ready to set you free!
$14.95 includes shipping!!
